From southbound Highway 17: exit at Lark Avenue and travel east; turn right on Los Gatos Boulevard and right again onto Blossom Hill Road. The park main entrance will be on the right.
From northbound Hwy 17: take the CA-9 exit to Los Gatos/Saratoga; bear right at Los Gatos Saratoga Rd; go 0.3mi to University Ave and turn right; go 0.5mi to Blossom Hill Rd and turn right; go 0.2mi to the park entrance which will be on the left.
Maps and specific driving instructions are also available from Google. See the park map (pdf) to locate the site of the (now demolished) Ranger Office, which is just down the hill from the pedestrian entrance at Pepper Tree Lane and University Ave.
Note that the park has a $6 vehicle entry fee if you want to park inside the park; there is free parking along University Ave.